Consultant Teachers

Mrs. Danielle Blossom

Mrs. Christine Napper

Mrs. Lorri Fousse

Spencerport Central School District believes in providing the highest quality of education for every student. To meet this goal, we have adopted a three-tiered approach to instruction. This process is a national initiative known as Response to Intervention, or RtI. Implementation of RtI was mandated by July 1, 2012 and replaces Academic Intervention Services (AIS) at the elementary level. 

Students needing supplemental instruction/intervention will be monitored frequently to ensure students meet grade level expectations. Students will continue to participate in the core curriculum even if they need the support of tier two or tier three interventions.

  • In tier one; teacher will use different strategies within the core curriculum to address student needs.
  • Students who are not progressing at a rate that allows them to meet end of year benchmarks in tier one will be provided interventions matched to their needs. These tier two interventions take place in a small group for approximately 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 5 days per week. Interventions occur for a minimum of six weeks, but may continue as needed to help students succeed in the core program. The Response to Intervention team may make adjustments in the intervention plan on the student’s progress. Depending on student need and progress, the team may change the intervention or increase the frequency, time, or intensity of the intervention. Additional notification to parents is required.
  • This more intense level is considered tier three. Students provided with tier three interventions are placed in smaller groups than in tier two. Monitoring of student’s progress continues on a weekly basis. Additional notification to parents is required.

Spencerport Central School District recognizes that all students learn differently. We are committed to helping all students succeed. Therefore, we ask for your support in implementing this three-tiered approach to meet the academic and behavior needs of your child along with all of the students in our school. As a parent/guardian, you have the right to request an evaluation for special education at any time. 

We look forward to sharing additional information as we progress through the school year. For additional information on RtI, please visit the New York State Parent Information link at

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